Cash is the heart of any businesses. Understanding your cash flows position is a crucial to your business strategy and action. Learn the preparation of cash flows statement in this article.
Financial Accounting
Latest News, Opinion and Technical Articles for Financial Accounting.
Factsheet Series: What is impairment of asset in IAS 36?
Understand what, when and how an entity should assess for impairment loss for its assets in this article.
Factsheet Series: Revenue Recognition in IFRS 15 (Part 2)
Understand the remaining 3 steps of revenue recognition in IFRS 15. It includes how should an entity assess its progress towards satisfaction of performance obligations to customer to justify for its revenue recognition.
Factsheet Series: Revenue Recognition in IFRS 15 (Part 1)
Find out how IFRS 15 helps entities to apply a consistent revenue recognition principles across industries.
Factsheet Series: Key principles in reporting the effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
Find out how entities should account and report the effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates in their financial statements under IAS 21, including how to determine entities’ functional currency.
Factsheet Series: Accounting for business combinations in IFRS 3 (Part 2)
Explore the key requirements on how to account for business combinations in this article. It helps preparers to focus on the important considerations as required in IFRS 3.
Factsheet Series: Accounting for Business Combinations in IFRS 3 (Part 1)
The article summarises the accounting for business combinations in IFRS 3. This Part 1 explains the concept and how we determine a business combination.
Factsheet Series: Accounting for Joint Arrangements in IFRS 11
A quick summary on how an entity should account for its interest in joint arrangements, including those that it has joint control or not under IFRS 11.
Factsheet Series: Key principles in accounting for Associates and Joint Ventures
The summary of the key principles to account for investments in associates and joint ventures under IAS 28, including when not to apply the equity method.
Factsheet Series: Key Principles in the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements in IFRS 10
Preparation of consolidated financial statements can be confusing. This article helps you to understand the key principles of IFRS 10.