The article compares the requirements for provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets under MPSAS 19, MFRS 137 and Section 21 of MPERS.
Financial Accounting
Latest News, Opinion and Technical Articles for Financial Accounting.
Agriculture: Comparison between MPSAS 27, MFRS 141 and Section 34 of MPERS
Understand the differences on how preparers account for agriculture activity between MPSAS 27, MFRS 141 and Section 34 of MPERS.
Investment Property: Comparison between MPSAS 16, MFRS 140 and Section 16 of MPERS
The article provides a comparison on the financial reporting requirements for investment property under MPSAS 16, MFRS 140 and Section 16 of MPERS.
Property, Plant and Equipment: Comparison between MPSAS 17, MFRS 116 and Section 17 of MPERS
The article provides a comparison on the accounting treatment for property, plant and equipment under MPSAS 17, MFRS 116 and Section 17 of MPERS.
Presentation of Financial Statements: Comparison between MPSAS, MFRS and MPERS
A comparison of the financial reporting requirements in MPSAS, MFRS and MPERS relating to the presentation of financial statements.
Employee Benefits: Comparison between MPSAS 25, MFRS 119 and Section 28 of MPERS
The article discusses the significant differences on the accounting requirements for employee benefits under MPSAS 25, MFRS 119 and Section 28 of MPERS.
Factsheet Series: Accounting for Defined Benefit Plan
Lets understand how entities account for defined benefit plans given to employees as part of their post-employment benefits.
Factsheet Series: Accounting for Employee Benefits
Understand how entities should account for their employee benefits. The accounting for short-term benefits are rather straight-forward. Entities should focus on the accounting for the tricker part – post-employment benefits.
Factsheet Series: IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
Understand the principles in fair value measurement of assets and liabilities in this article. It also provides readers with the summary of the required disclosures relating to fair value of assets and liabilities.
Factsheet Series: Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
Understand what will happen when assets are classified as held for sale or when there is a discontinued operation in this article.